Elastic Bollards

Our versions of bollards are inclinable up to 90° and a cost efficient alternative to other street furniture used as demarcation for parking lots, bicycle lanes, public places or simply to reduce overspill parking on walkways.

Areas of application:

  • Parking facilities
  • Pedestrian zones
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Property protection (street lights, technical systems, buildings)
  • Narrowing of the lane
  • Marking of traffic routes
  • Protection of pedestrians in dangerous street areas
  • Industrial parks

We have specially designed several versions of our bollards so that you can choose the one you need according to your requirements.


Elastic Bollard

Universal design with two (or nine) reflective tapes.

Made from vulcanized rubber.

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LED Poller (3)

Elastic Bollard - LED

Universal design with reflective tapes & LED lights.

Made from vulcanized rubber.

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Bollard "Old Town"

Bollard of exquisite design for modern cities.

Made from vulcanized rubber.

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