Crossing Assistance Mini

Detach, constrict & cross:

is perfectly suitable for the fast installation of lane dividers, pedestrian crossing assistances and for safe lane narrowing. Can optionally be fitted with bollards or signs.

  • easy and fast installation
  • highly visible
  • cost-efficient
  • continuous white reflective surfaces and
  • glass markers increase everyone's attention

Single Elements

NameDetails Dimensions (LxWxH)WeightColourReflective TapeArticle
Edge ElementQHR RF with Glass Marker500x500x130mm20kgRedWhite + Glass Marker813300001
Edge ElementQHR RF with Glass Marker500x500x130mm20kgGreyWhite + Glass Marker813310001
Inner ElementQHM RF 500x500x130mm22kgRedWhite813400000
Inner ElementQHM RF 500x500x130mm22kgGreyWhite813410000